Friday, October 28, 2005

Internet Research

Marcus Zillman has an amazing set of whitepapers for internet research.

Open Sourcery

The Open Sourcery is an interesting site for web developers with plenty of informative links and tutorials. The flash gallery for example contains some nice text flash animations and tutorials.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

WebCollab is here !

Managing Projects .... collaborating them online, multiple users, different locations, timezones ......

Here is a site that seems to have a a ton of OpenSource Projects that any small to medium enterprise could use OpenSourceCMS.

To start with look under GroupWare for :

dotProject [Username- admin, Password- passwd]

phProjekt [Username- rootPassword- demo]

Also try the e-Learning modules, they are good too.

and many more...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Blogging for God

Blogs to share and document experiences is an amazing way to reach out to millions.

"What would Jesus Blog?" asks CNN in this news article on the God Blogger's conference.

There are a few who are already trying this out, just a matter of turning things to the unlimited.

More on GodBlogs :

Friday, October 07, 2005

Document Collaboration and writely so

Writely has a nice solution for online web document editing and collaboration... and is being talked about a fair bit nowadays.

They have their own blog and here is a link to a presentation that was posted recently on the blog

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A Photoshop alternative ?

Needed a good photo editor software for a service program coming up shortly, and looked on the web .... came across GIMP, here is more .....

GIMP is a popular open-source image editor originally developed for Unix/Linux. Often lauded as the "free Photoshop," it does have an interface and features similar to Photoshop.
more here

I have just downloaded it, I'll post a comment once I use it. The reviews have been very good and support seems to be excellent, for free again!


4:11 PM 10/17/2005
Have installed it and have been using it for some time, looks promising. For a once-in-awhile user there should be no difference between PS and GIMP.