Monday, May 23, 2005

Service Orientation

Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) have been in the news for a while and are picking up even further. Web Services - the currently popular technology implementation mechanism for SOAs are also getting into the mainstream.

Centipedia defines SOA as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a software architectural concept that defines the use of services to support business requirements. In a SOA, resources are made available to other participants in the network as independent services that are accessed in a standardized way. Most definitions of SOA identify the use of Web Services (using SOAP, WSDL and UDDI) in its implementation, however it is possible to implement SOA using any service-based technology.

What does this mean to us? If various projects start developing softwares as independent services, they can be reused across the globe... very powerful.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Guess What?

Try this site...

Monday, May 02, 2005

More encyclopedia

Another encyclopedia project, this one has been there for some time (since 1999), free-to-edit style h2g2.

Also, interesting are comments to one techpositive blogs. which has been quoted on another blog

Ajax and Web Applications

Jesse James Garrett talks about Ajax and Web Applications. Interesting...

"Google Suggest and Google Maps are two examples of a new approach to web applications that we at Adaptive Path have been calling Ajax. The name is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript + XML, and it represents a fundamental shift in what’s possible on the Web."

Rapid Application Development

ZDNet post on Enterprise TenFold

Jeffrey Walker makes some seemingly outrageous claims. The iconoclastic
founder and CTO of TenFold asserts that business users can build high-end
enterprise applications ten times faster
with his application development
platform than using other development platforms