Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Browster for cool searching

Check Browster for a neat way of browing search results.

"A free plug-in released for Internet Explorer allows users to mouse over Web search listings for an instant view of the content rather than having to wait for the full page to download." says Elinor Mills, CNET News.com

Its a small download and has no spyware tagging along (as they claim) and can save much time while sifting through search results for the right answers.

Works with IE and Firefox...


At 5:34 PM, Blogger ElisaC said...

I co-author the Browster blog, and I wanted to let you know about a new program Browster has started called the Open Design program. They are opening up their design process to all users and instituting user voting on feature and UI ideas...and then rewarding users who come up with ideas that get implemented. It's inspired by the Open Source spirit, but is open to folks who aren't programmers.

This is an ongoing program planned to be run throughout 2006, not just a one-shot deal. And the rewards will be substantial: both cash and prizes like iPods. There will be monthly winners, ad one big winner of $5000 per quarter.

We have been blogging about it at Browster.

If you're still using Browster I hope you'll go visit the Open Design Forum, give your ideas on how you wish Browster would work , vote on other people's ideas, and maybe win a prize.


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