Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Pervasive architectures

Interesting article on Pervasive architectures : "Enterprise environments are being designed for anytime, anywhere access to company resources, apps, and data."

“It’s the death of the business day,” says Jeff Schulman, vice president of architecture at Gartner. “The old model was shutdown and batch catch-up; now it’s seven by 24. There’s a dynamism here that really pushes on our architectures. In real-time mode, there are responsiveness issues and issues around capacity.”
Schulman also claims that in this pervasive future, everything will be addressable and the state of everything will be fully known. “If there is this level of profound connectivity, from an architectural standpoint, there’s a very different level of managing resources, of understanding state, of process optimization, and even of governance,” he says. “And there’s lots of privacy and security issues to be wrestled with.”

How should enterprise architects prepare for this coming pervasive future? “Pervasive is a side effect of doing everything Web-exposed and middleware-driven,” CareGroup’s Halamka says. “My programmers these days are experts in the glue, which is what allows us to create what feels like an integrated product even though the parts may be very different.”

In other words, leverage a unified back end to serve multiple channels, devices, and formats.


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